In 1997, Age of Empires changed RTS games forever. Today, twenty years later, the Age of Empires: the final version begins with completely new drawings, music and symbolic music, and a seamless user experience from the ground up! Play the legendary RTS who started it all!
When we released the Age of Empires: Definitive Edition last year, we described it as a love letter for the players who made the legendary RTS exam today. Well, it's the anniversary of our one-year launch on February 20th, so we decided another love letter with a major update of the game!
Age of Empires: Updating Updated Edition 8 is currently working! It will be released soon, and will include some of the most sought-after features in the community, including auto-farm re-planting, hybrid unit queues, dead unit decay, and more! Full patch notes
- CPU: 1.2 GHZ CPU
- RAM: 1 GB
- OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 Pro
- VIDEO CARD: Direct X 9.0c Capable GPU
To download the game

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